Senin, 29 Juni 2009

Perbedaan Versi-versi Microsoft Windows 7 ( Home Basic, Starter Edition, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise & Ultimate )

Melihat berita di bulan Februari, Windows 7 memiliki beberapa versi. Versi Windows 7 dibagi menjadi 5 yaitu Home Basic, Starter, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise & Ultimate

Home Basic Starter Home Premium Professional Enterprise & Ultimate
Retail packaging Yes Yes Ult. only
Can purchase electronically Yes Yes Ult. only
Pricing: Full version $199.99 $299.99 $319.99 (Ult)
Pricing: Upgrade version $119.99 $199.99 $219.99 (Ult.)
Upgrade promotional pricing $49.99 $99.99
Bundled with new PCs in major markets Yes Yes Yes Ult. only
Windows Anytime Upgrade Yes Yes Yes Yes

Dibawah ini adalah beberapa perbedaan penting antara versi Windows 7.

Performa dari Windows 7

Home Basic Starter Home Premium Professional Enterprise & Ultimate
Windows ReadyDrive Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows ReadyBoost Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SuperFetch Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
64-bit processor support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Physical processor support 1 1 2 2 2
Processor core support Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Max RAM (32-bit) 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB
Max RAM (64-bit) 8 GB 8 GB 16 GB 192 GB 192 GB

Home Basic Starter Home Premium Professional Enterprise & Ultimate
SMB connections 20 20 20 20 20
Network and Sharing Center Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HomeGroup sharing Join only Join only Yes Yes Yes
Improved power management Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Connect to a Projector Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Remote Desktop Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Remote Desktop Host Yes Yes
IIS Web Server Yes Yes Yes
RSS support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Internet Connection Sharing Yes Yes Yes Yes
Network Bridge Yes Yes Yes Yes
Offline files Yes Yes

14 komentar:

Jeffry mengatakan...

Saya menggunakan win 7 professional 32-bit dan memasang RAM 4Gb,, tapi knp koq yg "usage available" cman 2,97 Gb ??

Anonim mengatakan...

Saya juga begitu.Di sistem total memory say 4GB tapi kebaca nya cuma 2,97GB.Ada yg bisa jawab ga?Bantu donk...

Singgih Saptadi mengatakan...

32bit cuman bisa baca segitu. Kalao mau bisa baca 4GB atau lebih WAJIB pake 64 bit.

ridwan mengatakan...

maksud dari pysical processor support 1 atau 2 apa ya

Anonim mengatakan...

hub gw 0852 2534 3763
gw punya id msdna

ad windows xp sp2-sp3
ad windows vista
ad windows 7 pro x86-x64

1.IDR 25.000,00 (key + windows downloader)
2.IDR 50.000,00 + ongkos kirim (key + dvd)

point 1 key dkirim via e-mail bserta attach windowsny

point 2 dikirim via paket

Andri Wijanarko mengatakan...

Pysical processor support adalah jumlah procerssor di dalam CPU yang dapat dikenali oleh operating system.
Umumnya untuj PC rumahan memang hanya 1 processor, namun untuk aplikasi yang lebih kompleks dan handal CPU membutuhkan processor yang lebih banyak. Untuk kelas itu disebut Server.
Jumlah processor dalam server bisa 2, 4, dst

yessa mengatakan...

wah menarik artikelnya.. sekalian blog walking ya bro.

Luqe mengatakan...

Win 7 starter tidak support IPP printing..
koq gak disebutkan ya?

wanted mengatakan...

ram : 2gb ddr 3
prosesor: cotu duo
cocokna pake windows 7 apa ya gan
kirim k email saya ya gan,,

Anonim mengatakan...

windows 7 starter maksimal memory 2 gb bro, klo 4 giga blue screen broo, coba liat di web microsoft di faq nya:
Is there a limit to the number of programs I can open?

There's no set limit to how many programs Windows 7 Starter can open at once. But keep in mind that Starter only supports up to 2 gigabytes (GB) of RAM, which can affect your PC's performance if you're running lots of programs at once. A more advanced edition of Windows 7 that can use more RAM will help your PC run multiple programs more smoothly.

Anonim mengatakan...

hub. saya di 085 7361 94 277

available windows xp sp2-sp3
available windows vista starter-ultimate
available windows 7 home pre,pro ,ultimate N x86-x64
linux unbuntu
linux google chrome
mac OS leopard (4,31 gb/ 5,78 gb)

1.IDR 20.000,00 (linux)
2.IDR 60.000,00 + ongkos kirim (windows+linux)
3. IDR 75.000 (MAC)

Anonim mengatakan...

lokasi mana bro???
pesen ubuntu ma win 7 pro 64bit bs ga?
bayar via apa?
laptopku cuman pake amd turion x2, ramnya 2 gb..bisa ga ya pake win7 pro ato ultimate?

Anonim mengatakan...

kalo perbedaan dari segi tampilan antara home basic ama ultimate apa aja mas ?

Soccer 'N Music mengatakan...

bisa...kemaren saya install ulang kan Win 7 Pro di Laptop temen Toshiba, dg RAM 2 GB AMD Turion X2, lancar tu
